Friday, August 19, 2011

The Cousins! Vernal, UT-Colorado National Monument,Grand Junction, CO

8/15/11 Day 10- Finally! We met up with the first of the cousins! Mark, Kathy and Stacey at campground in Vernal, UT. Stacey and her boyfriend Dave came in on their bikes from Aurora, CO. the night before and were waiting for us! We have talked about making this opportunity happen for a long time and here we are! We got to travel down half of the Flaming Gorge-Uintas National Scenic Byway to get here.

Afternoon ride to Dinosaur National Monument. This area has one of the largest concentrations of fossilized dinosaur bones in the world. The Quarry Visitor center was closed so we didn't get to take in all the exhibits but had a nice ride up and back to our camp at Vernal after dinner in town.

8/16/11 Day 11- From Utah we traveled into Grand Junction, CO Harley Davidson Store and met up with cousin #2, Barney, from Orange County, CA. After Mark bought and installed a new (taller) windshield we went to Colorado National Monument between Fruita and Grand Junction. This sandstone beauty was a great ride with awesome views of the valley. It was a great place to be a passenger and view over the edges and take pictures!

Proof of the cousin reunion! Our first group shot taken at Colorado National Monument. Dave, Stacey, Barney, Kathy and Mark.

On one of the outlooks on Rim Rock Drive. This canyon has 23 miles of breath-taking scenery. So much rugged terrain, red cliffs, sculptured rock and pinyon pines in this Monument.

The view across from our campsite at Colorado National Monument. We liked it so much here (and it was late) we decided to camp for the night.
Barney on the edge of the cliff with Mark and Kathy "holding on"!

Saddlehorn Campground at Colorado National Monument. We got all 3 tents, 4 motorcycles and our gear on one site with the perfect view. Little lizards, picas, and chipmunks amongst the junipers kept us company on the mesa for the night!

Best friends and mates "on top of the world" enjoying the sunset, starry night and almost full moon. This edge of the cliff was right across from our tent area. This has been an amazing trip so far. We have been at altitudes of 6,000- 10,000 feet for the past 8 days! Finally starting to acclimate to the altitudes and getting used to temperatures between 32-100 degrees! What an experience....

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